Thursday, April 9, 2009

Standing and Scooting

Just a week before I turned 9 months, I learned to stand at the couch. I definitely need a spotter, but I'm working hard to balance on my own. My main motivation is reaching for the remote control, or anything that I'm not supposed to touch. Lately, I really prefer standing than sitting. I'm not too sure about this crawling thing. I don't mind scooting around, but I think I'd like walking much better. So, until my little legs get stronger, I'm going to continue to practice standing and reaching for mommy...or the remote control.
Here's me playing with Sedona at Aunt Joy's house. We're buds... One day when I can verbalize it, I am going to ask mommy and daddy for a dog.
I now have six teeth: four on top; two on bottom.

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