Monday, April 20, 2009


This morning, as mommy was saying "bye-bye" to me at Aunt Joy's house, I said and waved "bye-bye" back. Mommy and Aunt Joy were so happy that I did that. I'll have to do it again since it brought about such excitment.

Oh, I'm over the anxiety stage now and back to playing on my own with no worries. I'm a good help around the house cleaning floors too. That's because I still scoot around or "army crawl" on my belly and pick up the dust bunnies! I am finally catching on to sign language too. I now sign for "bottle" and "all done." I know what the sign for "eat" and "more" is but right now it is easier for me to fuss. I'll get the sign language thing down eventually.

My favorite things to do are play peek-a-boo with mom, stand up with support for balance, chew on my rubber ducky, and play with cousin Penny and the dogs at Aunt Joy's house.

Well, that's all for now.


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