Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Jackson's 7 month development profile

Hello world! Can you believe I am 7 months old already? Mommy realized that she just can't stop me from being a baby. As you can see, I no longer have my reddish-brown comb over. I'm just not a newborn anymore. I can sit up on my own, roll over, I babble like a Broussard, grab for my toys and put them (and everything) in my mouth, eat sweet potato, squash, mango and other fruits, yogurt, oatmeal, and tofu! I can hold my bottle with one hand now. Recently, I learned to reach for mommy. My first two teeth came in this month. Teething has been a painless process, for mom and dad, so far. I have had a couple ear infections, runny nose, and a cough. For the record, I DO NOT like mommy and Aunt Joy wiping my nose or giving me medicine through a medicine dropper. They tried to trick me by giving me the bottle first, but I wised up. I'm no fool. Life is good...no complaints!

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