Thursday, July 19, 2012

I'm 4-year's old now and soooo much has changed

Hi guys, it's me!  It's been a while now, but I'm back on the blog scene.  Guess what?  I have a new brother.  Grant was born on March 25th 2011. He's a sweet baby who loves me a lot.  The other day, I was in time out crying, and he came over and offered me his pacifier.  I was too mad to take it, but reflecting on it now, it really was quite endearing.

So all about me since my last blog:
I'm average in height and weight.
I got a bike for my 4th birthday.  On Saturday, July 21st, I am going to have a birthday party with all of my friends from school including Hayden and Tyler (my buddies/cousins).

School at Kids R Kids is so-so.  All my classmates want to hug me and be my friend, but I just think they're 'ok'.  One of the kids wants to name his unborn baby brother after me.  That's weird. I do like learning when it is fun.  If it's not fun, and I feel that I'm being pressured, then I don't want to learn.  My favorite learning style is the workbooks that I do with mommy every night.  Right now I'm gearing up for Pre-K, so we practice writing our letters and playing matching games a lot with the books Grandpa mails me.

I like playing soccer at school and t-ball in the backyard.  I kick with my left foot though. 

Since I turned 2, I've always been advanced for my speaking skills.   Sometimes, I say things that I shouldn't say e.g. I tell my mommy to "Stop it right now!"  Then I get put in time out.  Last night I was disrespectful so I had to go to bed early. 

My mommmy is the center of my universe so I really don't like upsetting her.  Most recently, daddy and I went on a hunting trip and that was a lot of fun.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Things I do, and things I won't stop doing

So, I think I have a compulsive disorder where I know it's wrong, but I do it anyway. I hit, I bite, and I fuss. Then I get my hand popped. If I can just remember not to do it, I'll be OK.

I can redeem myself and tell you that I can now brush my hair using mommy's brush, and talk on the phone too. My coordination skills are not quite there because the phone or brush end up at the back of my head...but you get the idea. Mom and dad think it's cute.

I am weaned off the bottle almost completely except for my bottle while dad rocks me to sleep. I will let mom and dad know that I need that bottle, can't live without it, until they finally give in and get it for me. Suckers!

Oh, my latest development is pointing i.e. showing whoever is holding me where I want them to go, and what it is that I want them to give me. One little thing I haven't mastered is actually pointing my finger. I sort of have just extend my arm in the direction I want to go and my hand is limp. Oh well, they get the idea.

My favorite toy right now is the one my great aunt Tootie gave to me. It is a tractor that makes lot of noises. It's cool!

I am understanding a lot more everyday. When mommy says, "Do you want to take a bath?", I know exactly what she means and I crawl as fast as I can to the bathtub. I know duck, camel, car, whale, milk, bottle (duh), mommy, daddy, Aunt Joy, Penny, eat, peanut butter, yogurt, phone and the list goes on and on. My verbal skills don't go past "hey" right now.

Something new everyday....

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My 1st Birthday

Let me eat cake! I got some of it in my mouth, but most of it went on the floor.

My birthday was my best one yet. This time I did a lot less crying and wasn't nearly as red. My home is a lot better than the hospital, I might add. Boy - what a year it has been! From 8.15lbs at birth to 21 lbs YTD, 6 teeth, nearly walking on my own, sleeping through the night, almost weaned off a bottle...this has been a big year.


Cake 3

Cake 4

Cake 5

Monday, July 6, 2009

First steps

I was over at Grandma's house on Friday, July 3rd, and I took my first steps. I wanted to play with Grandma's dog Pumpkin so I pulled myself up on Grandma's coffee table, and then set my hands free, and walked two steps towards Pumpkin. I did this two more times that day but have not done it since. Maybe I need a dog of my own. Mommy and daddy said not until I am bigger.

I am almost 1 year old. I drink whole milk from a sippy cup, eat most food except for meat and food that is hard to chew since I still have only 6 teeth.

Ok, that's it for now.

Rock on!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Mommy and Daddy's Lil' Helper

I must say that at 10 months old, I am quite the domesticated little devil. I help mom and dad pick up lint off the floor, I eat the bugs, unload the dishwasher, and mop the floor - all with my hands and belly.

I went swimming for the first time last week. I love to swim. Grandma calls me a "natural" because I kick and move my arms while grandma holds my belly. I don't mind going under water either.

My non-verbal and verbal skills are developing. That's just a fancy way of saying that I do sign language and a talk a lot. Most recently, I learned to sign for "more" when I want more food. I can say "hi" in addition to and "ba-ba".

Oh, my favorite toy is my toothbrush. I play with it while I watch mommy and daddy brush their teeth. Perhaps my favorite activity is pulling up on chairs, toys, really anything that is at my height.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Son of the American Revolution

This weekend, we went to DeRidder, Louisiana to see my great grandfather and great grandmother inducted into the Sons and Daughters of the American Revolution. I am also a Son of the American Revolution, and hope to be inducted some day. I will need my paw-paws birth certificate in order to apply. I think Mom and Dad will help me with that. Speaking of paw-paw, I met him for the first time on Saturday, May 2nd at the farm in DeRidder. He really enjoyed spending time with me and would not put me down. It was really nice to meet him. Here's me with my dad, grandfather, and great-grandfather - 4 generations of Broussards.

Also, this weekend I met my Uncle Jed who was visiting from Warner Robbins, Georgia. He is a lot of fun and looks like dad a little.

I am teething once again. When I teethe, I really don't feel much like eating, but I'll still take my bottle. In fact, I can now sign and say "ba-ba" when I want my bottle.

At nine months, dad lowered my crib so I don't climb out. I figure out how to stand in the crib so now, when I want out, I stand and call for mommy and daddy. I am so proud of myself for standing that I don't even cry when I want out.

Aunt Joy calls me a "cruiser" because I can walk alongside the couch with support. I can also walk while my hands are being held. "Any day now" is what I hear daddy say. Until then, I'll keep eating grass and pulling off the door stoppers.

The weather is getting warmer. It's in the high 80s here and I am working on my tan. I sure like to play outside but must where my spray-on sunscreen and hat.

Well, take it easy. Talk to you later...

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Splash Pad and Crawling

On Saturday, April 25th, I went to my neighborhood SplashPad for the first time. I loved the water and playing with the pretty little girls. I can't wait to go swimming next month.
Also, I am now in full crawl mode crawling all around the house.